Happy, Happy, Happy

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December 19, 2013

my new thing....the in thing?

Ok, so I wasn't really going to make a post, but oh well, right? I started about 5 years ago getting photos on things to keep, well, I made it to 3  items. When my first grand-baby was born. So I haven't gotten that much stuff. But what I really want to do is get in the habit of doing this kind of stuff, I mean not only is it neat, but personalized.

Check it out:

My first one, a glass etched keychain...

I remember I was tickled to death when I got it. It is a photo of my oldest daughter, and her first child. Now things like this not only make great gifts for yourself, but for others as well. See, I want to do something like this for my girls. One and her 2 kids, and the other is getting married so, her, her hubby, and first child. Great Christmas gifts, that would make them tear up, and love the dickens out of it, and you.  ;)

Now, any daughters and sons out there, you keep in mind I'm sure your mother would love something like this from you on Mother's Day. And you know what, these things, they can become family air-loomes, passed down the generations, after you have gone, you are on everything, or your family is on everything that you had recieved as a gift. Anyways, you get the jist of it....

Now, this little glass key chain is in very great condition, and I've had it for 5 years. Why? you asked, well, duh, because it hung for a very long time on my mirror in my car from a beautiful ribbon. It's not now, it's hanging in my Living Room, on a curtain rod, one of those with a curl thingy, so I just put it up there, for safe keeping.


My second one, a ceramic hot cocoa mug
(haha, I don't drink coffee)....

Now this would make a wonderful gift for anyone...ever have too many pictures hanging from the wall? I know my mom always did, and so does my sister now. They just won't hardley take down a picture, it's like pulling teeth. I also did at one time, now don't get me wrong, I love my pictures. Which is why I guess I decided to blog about them, and show you these things. Cuz, maybe some of you may stumble across this page, and well, maybe you don't get out much, and maybe you haven't seen anything like this.

Would you just look at this? I want you to look...This one has my husband, errrhh, shall we say Paw Paw and Deja, my grand-daughter. It was taken on one of our trips to Nashville, to visit. It tickled me, because Deja always comes to stay here in Alabama, for about 1-2 weeks during her summer vacation. And she was about 3 years old that summer...she said 'Nana I want somethin to drink'  So I say 'ok, let me get you a cup'
And I pull this one down, pour her kool aid in it, and hand it to her. She turned it around, and she looked at it, her little face just lit up like a Christmas tree. She said 'Nana look! It's me and Paw Paw on this cup!'

Bless her little heart, love that baby!

And so for the last for now:

My third one, my Deja bag....

I used this bag for everything, but funny, when I started working down at the restaurant, everybody knew who had the Deja bag. They knew it was mine. My baby. This picture was taken on another visit to Nashville, when Chrissy had her apartment upstairs. Whew, those stairs, and we slept on the floor in Deja's room, on an air matress. :) Suprising at the details you can remember in a picture. :) And I used this bag so much, as you can see, I pretty much wore it out. It is faded on the handles, from bleaching in the washer. It has held up well though. I don't think she has ever saw this one, so maybe I will take it with me on the next trip, lol.

I did the writing myself when I got the bag. But now if you have a program like Photoshop you can do it yourself right on the picture. Or if you don't have Photoshop, just open your browser and type in pixlr.com, you should be able to do whatever you need to do there. Of course if you choose this method, you will need to prep the picture before you send it in to be placed on an item like this. I used an acryllic paint pen bought from Walmart about $3.99

One of my other daughters, she wants to make grand-children picture calendars for everyone. I can't wait to see how that turns out. We will have Deja, Aaliyah, and Conner. But Conner is not due to arrive until May 2014. So looks like our calendars will be like 2015 editions :)

So, I hope you enjoyed this post, and I would tell you the whole reason for this post, but I don't want to spoil it. I will have to blog again with my new picture stuff. Oh, and there are many stores to check out that does this type of stuff.

Check out:





Everyone seems to be competing, prices are good...

Ok, Peace & Love to everyone, until next time...
:) J